October 10, 2019                                                                                  Ulaanbaatar City

(2022.08.26-ны өдрийн орчуулга)       Unofficial translation


/Revised version/




Article 1. Purpose of the Law

1.1. The purpose of this Law is to establish principles, organizational structures and legal grounds for countering proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism.

Article 2. Legislation on Countering Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction    and Terrorism             

2.1. The legislation on countering proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism shall consist of the Constitution of Mongolia, Law on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, this Law and other legislative acts enacted inconsistent with these laws.             

2.2.If an international treaty, to which Mongolia is a party, provides otherwise than this law, the provisions of international treaty shall prevail.

Article 3. Definition of Terms

3.1. The following terms used in this Law shall be understood as follows:

3.1.1. "terrorism" means an activity of violence or threat to commit violence or cause disastrous conditions in order to influence and frighten state establishment, society, wholly or certain part of it, in pursuit of political, religious, ideological and other identical goals;

3.1.2. "international terrorism" means a transnational terrorism aiming to influence on international affairs, state control and management of the nations;

3.1.3. "terrorist activity" means the following:

3.1.3(a) planning, preparing for, organizing or executing a terrorist act;

3.1.3(b) taking part in a terrorist act, joining terrorist organization or group, engaging in training or preparation activities; 

3.1.3(c) engaging or recruiting, using, training or arming a person or legal entity for terrorism;

3.1.3(d) establishing any group or organization for preparation for terrorist act;

3.1.3(e) publicly justifying, proliferating or advocating terrorism;

3.1.3(f) urging, provoking, inciting or forcing a person or legal entity;

3.1.3(g) financing terrorism or providing any direct or indirect support or assistance;

3.1.3(h) inventing, producing, delivering, possessing, using, owning, storing or controlling any items, weapon, tools or technology for the purpose of terrorist act;

3.1.4. "terrorist act" means any act of frightening population through demanding government or international organization to act or not to act illegally, or killing, or causing health or material damages to a person, or causing death or injury to  a person refusing actively participate in any part of armed conflict in pursuit of political, religious, ideological and other identical goals;

3.1.5. "terrorist person" means a terrorist or any terrorist organization;     

3.1.6. "terrorist" means individual who willfully, voluntarily or intentionally commits or participates directly or indirectly in terrorist act;

3.1.7. "terrorist organization" means any group or association of terrorists who willfully, voluntarily or intentionally joined together to commit directly or indirectly, or to participate in terrorist act;

3.1.8. "counter terrorism" means a combination of political, economic, social, legal and organizational measures or counter-terrorist special task actions taken for preventing, detecting, disrupting terrorism basic conditions or terrorist activities, or eliminating damages or losses;

3.1.9. "terrorism basic condition" means the territory or its certain part, buildings or facilities or factors and conditions that might be affected by terrorist activity;

3.1.10. "counter-terrorist special task actions" means comprehensive operations executed by police, intelligence, court decision enforcement organizations and state military special task forces under integrated policy, plan and command for the purpose to disrupt terrorist act, neutralize or arrest a terrorist person, or to ensure  security of individuals or legal entity, or minimizing damages and losses;

3.1.11. "manpower and equipment of counter-terrorist special task operations" means management, supply and special operation groups or support units assigned to counter-terrorist special task, or weapons and equipment to be employed  by them;

3.1.12. "counter-terrorist special task operations zone" means territorial boundary designated under counter-terrorist act special operations according to this Law, or building, facilities or neighboring locations;

3.1.13. "counter-terrorist special task operations zone regime" means emergency conditions set by Counter-Terrorist Special Task Actions Operative Staff (hereinafter referred to as "Operative Staff") in counter-terrorism special task zone according to this Law;

3.1.14. "Integrated Management Center on Counter-Terrorist Special Task  Operations" (hereinafter referred to as "Integrated Management Center") means a unit of specially  assigned officers responsible for organizing, conducting and reporting on results of counter-terrorist special task operations to the Counter Terrorism Council;

3.1.15. "Operative Staff" means an integration of manpower and equipment designated to carry out special counter activities in counter-terrorist special task operations zone;

3.1.16. "sanctions" means countering proliferation of weapons of mass destruction    and terrorism related to sanctions imposed in accordance with United Nations' Security Council Resolution;

3.1.17. "sanction list" means a list of individuals and legal entities designated by United Nations' Security Council Resolutions related to countering proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism;

3.1.18. "domestic designation" means a list of individuals and legal entities  designated by Government, based on proposal of authority in charge of countering terrorism matters in relation to countering proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism;

3.1.19. "proliferation of weapons of mass destruction" (hereinafter referred to as "proliferation of weapons") means any activities on processing, manufacturing, possessing, storing, acquiring, transporting, exporting, transferring, stockpiling, selling, purchasing or using nuclear, chemical, biological or any type of weapons of mass destruction, their raw materials, spare parts, equipment, technology or dual use goods for the purpose of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction prohibited by legislation pf Mongolia and international treaties to which  Mongolia is a party;

3.1.20. "financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction" means fully or partially providing financial support or services for processing, manufacturing, possessing, storing, acquiring, transporting, exporting, transferring, stockpiling, selling, purchasing or using nuclear, chemical, biological or any type of weapons of mass destruction, their raw materials, spare parts, equipment, technology or dual use goods for the purpose of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction prohibited by legislation of Mongolia and international treaties to which Mongolia is a party;

3.1.21. "asset freezing" means restricting asset or bank account administration, transfer or management rights until such assets or cash seized or confiscated by a decision of a competent authority.

3.2. A person travelling from home country or country of residence to another country for the purpose of participating in armed conflict or terrorist activities shall be regarded as terrorist in accordance with Article 3.1.6 of this Law.

Article 4. Principles of Countering Proliferation of Weapons and Terrorism Activities

4.1. In addition to the principles stipulated in the Paragraph 2, Article One of the Constitution of Mongolia, the following principles shall be followed in counter proliferation of weapons and terrorism activities:

4.1.1. be sustainable, comprehensive, coherent, prompt and continuous;

4.1.2. minimize a potential damage and loss to life, health and assets of a person affected by terrorism threat;

4.1.3. ensure confidentiality and security of counter-terrorist methods, equipment and participants;

4.1.4. provide for integrated, centralized and sustainable management of counter terrorism and counter-terrorist special task operations;

4.1.5. rely on research and analysis, science, advanced technology and innovative knowledge;

4.1.6. enhance government-driven inter-action among individuals, legal entities and promote international co-operation.

Article 5. International Cooperation

5.1. With a view to ensure state, social and human security, international cooperation on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism shall be launched with foreign states and international organization in accordance with international treaties to which Mongolia is a party.

Article 6. Main directives of Countering Proliferation of Weapons and Terrorism Activities

6.1. The State shall take the following measures toward countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism:

6.1.1. make assessment of terrorism profile and its basic conditions;

6.1.2. plan and take political, economic, social, legal and organizational measures to counter proliferation of weapons and terrorism;

6.1.3. launch anti-terrorism public advocacy campaign and introduce terrorism-free-ideology;

6.1.4. create an environment preventing localization of terrorism, penetration and sheltering of terrorists;

6.1.5. ensure preparedness of terrorist countering special task operations;

6.1.6. prevent and protect individuals, legal entities, state facilities of critical importance and highly populated public places from terrorist acts;

6.1.7. take preventive measures to mitigate terrorist act impact risk and minimize related damages and losses;

6.1.8. prevent from usage of weapons, substances, equipment and items for terrorist acts;

6.1.9. cooperate with international, foreign and domestic organizations on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism;

6.1.10. expand engagement of individuals, legal entities, press, media and other organizations in countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism;

6.2. When assessing terrorism profile  stipulated in Article 6.1.1 of this Law, analysis of terrorism acts committed or might be committed regionally or domestically, its trends, forms, threat and risks shall be made, and recommendations in line with international counter terrorism policy and practices shall be provided.



Article 7. Powers of State Great Khural

7.1. State Great Khural shall exercise the following powers on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism:

7.1.1. to adopt a state policy and legislation on countering proliferation of weapons and  terrorism and exercise a control over the implementation thereof;

7.1.2. to allocate in the state budget and approve necessary funds for implementation of counter proliferation of weapons and terrorism projects, programs and activities.

Article 8. Powers of President of Mongolia

8.1. President of Mongolia shall exercise the following powers on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism:

8.1.1. President of Mongolia as a Head of the National Security Council shall, within own powers, to consider reports and information of related state authorities on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism activities and provide a guidance to Government;

8.1.2. to enact an order on military action in case of state of emergency due to terrorist act;

8.1.3. as per the law, to approve relevant procedures on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism.

Article 9. Powers of Government

9.1. Government shall exercise the following powers on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism:

9.1.1. to develop and implement a policy document on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism;

/This sub-paragraph was revised by the law as of December 17, 2021/

9.1.2. to ensure compliance with countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism legislation, and provide order, directive and guidance to relevant authorities and officials;

9.1.3. unless otherwise stipulated in laws, to conclude intergovernmental cooperation treaties or agreements in countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism;

9.1.4. to submit to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces a proposal to deploy a state military Special Task Team in counter terrorism activity;

9.1.5. in case of emergency situation due to terrorist act, to propose and have a decision made on declaring a state of emergency in accordance with Constitution of Mongolia and other related legislation;

9.1.6. to provide for prompt compliance with the United Nations' Security Council Resolutions related to sanctions;

9.1.7. to propose a designation or delisting of individuals and legal entities to the United Nations Security Council for sanction listing;

9.1.8. to adopt a Domestic Designation List based on proposal of counter terrorism competent organization;

9.1.9.  to adopt a dual use goods and products list.

Article 10. Powers of Intelligence Organization

10.1. The Intelligence organization shall exercise the following powers on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism:

10.1.1. to organize and implement counter terrorism activities;

10.1.2. to submit to Government a proposal on complying with and improving counter proliferation of weapons and terrorism legislation and decisions made by President of Mongolia and Government;

10.1.3. as per the laws, to acquire any necessary information from individuals, legal entities or state authorities and develop a Consolidated database;

10.1.4. based on proposal of relevant authority, to adopt a procedure on information sharing and cooperation with national security special enforcement structures and state administrative bodies;

10.1.5. to require individuals and legal entities to ensure prevention from financing proliferation of weapons and terrorism, and use of nuclear, chemical, biological and any type of mass destruction weapons, their raw materials, equipment, technics, technology, explosives, highly hazardous substances, weapons, electronic network, other technical devices, goods and items, prohibited by legislation of Mongolia and international treaties to which Mongolia is a party, in terrorist acts, and ensure a compliance thereof;

10.1.6. to provide the Integrated Management Center and Operative Staff with management and coordination.



Article 11.Counter Terrorism Council

11.1. Non-staff Counter Terrorism Council (hereinafter referred to as "Council") chaired by a Director of General Intelligence Agency shall be set up with a function to coordinate cooperation of countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism, and ensure information sharing with national security special enforcement structures and state relevant authorities.

11.2. The Council shall have a Secretariat to assist in exercising powers stipulated in the Law. Personnel of the Secretariat shall be appointed or dismissed by a Director of General Intelligence Agency.

11.3. Personnel of the Secretariat shall be staff-members of intelligence organization.

11.4. Procedures of the Council, Secretariat structure and staff shall be approved by Government, while composition of the Council shall be approved by Prime Minister based on proposal of a Director of General Intelligence Agency.

11.5. Decisions of the Council shall be formulated in a resolution form.

11.6. Operational expenses of the Council and Secretariat shall be funded by state budget.

11.7. Aimag and Capital city non-staff branch councils (hereinafter referred to as "Branch  Council") shall be chaired by Governors of respective aimag and capital city.

The Council shall use stamp, seal, symbol and letterhead created in accordance  with determined procedures.

Article 12. Powers of the Council

12.1. The Council shall exercise the following powers:

12.1.1. to arrange for compliance with countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism legislation, develop and submit to Prime Minister a proposal on national programs, projects, consolidated plan, report and relevant draft resolutions;

12.1.2. to launch cooperation and implement joint projects and programs on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism with foreign states and international organizations;

12.1.3. to coordinate countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism cooperation of state  authorities, citizens, press, media and other organizations;

12.1.4. to conduct an assessment stipulated in Article 6.2 of this Law and report on recommendations to Prime Minister and other members of National Security Council, and provide counter terrorism authorities with prompt operative information;

12.1.5. to organize training and advocacy on issues stipulated in Article 6.1.3 of this Law;

12.1.6. to coordinate cooperation of state authorities on complying with sanctions;

12.1.7. to ensure preparedness of counter-terrorist special task force manpower and equipment, and organize nationwide joint training and integrated practical exercise;

12.1.8. to establish an Integrated Management Center;

12.1.9. to coordinate and manage activities of countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism Branch Councils, relevant organizations and officials, provide them with directives, guidance, recommendation and instructions, and monitor implementation thereof.

12.2. The Branch Councils shall exercise powers stipulated in Articles 12.1.3 and 12.1.5 of this Law and shall carry out activities on preventing proliferation of weapons and terrorism on respective territory and mitigating potential risks.

Article 13. Responsibilities of State Authorities and Officials in Countering Proliferation of Weapons and Terrorism

13.1. State authorities and officials shall have the following common responsibilities on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism:

13.1.1. to plan and undertake countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism measures in line with the operational specifics;

13.1.2. to ensure implementation of and report on Council's resolution


13.1.3. to conduct counter terrorism special operations, eliminate incurred damages and losses, provide assistance to reconstruction activities;

13.1.4. to share information with counter terrorism authorities and provide assistance in creating enabling environment for research and risk assessment.

13.2. Authorities and officials belong to the composition of the Council shall have the following responsibilities in addition to responsibilities stipulated in Article 13.1 of this Law:

13.2.1. to ensure implementation of action plans on countering proliferation of weapons and terrorism, and report to the Council on output;

/This sub-paragraph was amended by the law as of December 17, 2021/

13.2.2. to provide as needed the Council with report and information necessary to exercise powers stipulated in Article 12.1.4 of this Law;

13.2.3. to ensure coordination of activities with the Council, share information, provide support and employ professional staff.

Article 14. Responsibilities of Individuals and Legal Entities in Preventing Proliferation of Weapons and Terrorism

14.1. Individuals and legal entities shall have the following responsibilities in preventing proliferation of weapons and terrorism:

14.1.1. to expeditiously provide state authorities with proliferation of weapons and  terrorism related reports and information;

14.1.2. to accord zero tolerance to any attempt, propaganda or ideology provoking terrorist act or activity;

14.1.3. to refuse any activity advocating, urging or publicly justifying terrorism;

14.1.4. to provide assistance to terrorism prevention, counter terrorism special operations, elimination of damage and losses or reconstruction activities;

14.2. It shall be prohibited to provide direct or indirect financing, economic resources, financial and other services or assistance to sanction list designated or domestically designated individuals and legal entities.




Article 15. Counter-Terrorist Special Task Operations

15.1. The Counter-terrorist special task operations shall include the following actions:

15.1.1. to detect terrorist act and protect individuals and legal entities;

15.1.2. to rescue individuals and assets affected by terrorist act;

15.1.3. to eliminate causes and conditions of terrorist acts;

15.1.4. to take measures to disrupt terrorist acts;

15.1.5. to arrest and neutralize terrorist person;

15.1.6. to detect and confiscate assets, properties or cash used and being used for terrorist act, and assets or proceeds of terrorist activity;

15.1.7. other special operations, stipulated in the legislation, to be conducted, depending on circumstances, upon decision of competent organization or officials.

Article 16. Manpower and Equipment of Counter-Terrorist Special Task  Operations

16.1. Manpower and equipment of the following organizations shall be employed in counter-terrorist special task operations:

16.1.1. central intelligence authority, its headquarter and local branches or units;

16.1.2. central police authority, its affiliated divisions, units and local offices;

16.1.3. state border protection authority;

16.1.4. court decision enforcement authority;

16.1.5. emergency management authority;

16.1.6. staffs, units, branches of internal troops;

16.1.7. other authorities-members of Counter-Terrorism Council;                   16.1.8.divisions, units or branches of armed forces appointed by order of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces;

 16.1.9.state special protection authority.

 /This sub-paragraph was added by the law as of May 14, 2020/

16.2. An assigned team comprising of professional officers of the organizations referred in Article 16.1 of this Law shall undertake detection and neutralization of explosives, radioactive, chemical, biological and highly hazardous substances to explode during terrorist act.

16.3. Foreign military troops, special task operation branch or unit may be involved in counter-terrorist special task operations in accordance with the Law on Deployment and Transit of Foreign Military Forces.

16.4. Specially equipped transport means, including helicopter, armored personnel carrier and all-terrain vehicle, as well as weapons, firearms, trained dogs and other special equipment shall be used in counter-terrorist special task operations.

Article 17. Management of Counter-Terrorist Special Task Operations

17.1. The Council shall set up an Integrated Management Center compatible with the aim, substance and scope of counter-terrorist special task operations.

17.2. In urgent situations, manpower and equipment of relevant authorities shall be directly deployed at the decision of the Chair of the Council.

17.3. The Integrated Management Center shall manage counter-terrorist special task operations and Operative Staff shall implement resolution of the Council in the counter-terrorist special task zone.

17.4. Manpower and equipment deployed for counter-terrorist special task operations shall be under Operative Staff's direct management throughout duration of such operations.

17.5. State and local administrative authorities, individuals and legal entities shall immediately comply with request and requirements of Operative Staff, and be responsible for providing any support and assistance.

Article 18. Counter-Terrorist Special Operations Procedure

18.1. Counter-terrorist special task operations shall be undertaken in accordance with international treaties, to which Mongolia is a party, this Law and other relevant laws and respective procedures and regulations;

18.2. President of Mongolia shall approve the charter for counter-terrorist special task operations upon its submission by Government.

18.3. Chair of the Council shall approve procedure and counter-terrorist special task operation guidelines.

18.4. Individuals who facilitated or assisted counter-terrorist special task operations shall be entitled to remuneration according to procedures approved by Government.

18.5. Confidentiality rating of counter-terrorist special task operation charter, procedure and guidelines shall be determined in accordance with the Law on State and Official Secret.

Article 19. Regime of Counter-Terrorist Special Operation Zone

19.1. Counter-terrorist special task operation zone and regime of such a zone  shall be defined by the Operative Staff Commander who shall be entrusted to carry out prompt actions stipulated in Chapters Four and Five of Law on Police and Article 22.4  of Criminal Procedure Law.

19.2. The following restrictions shall be imposed in counter-terrorist special operation zone:

19.2.1. setting control over public press, media and internet network, or terminate the activities until counter-terrorist special operations are considered as completed;

19.2.2. setting special control over use of radio and communication means.

Article 20. Consideration of Counter-Terrorist Special Operations to be  Completed

20.1. In case of disruption of terrorist act and elimination of threat to human life, health or assets in counter-terrorist special task operation zone, the counter-terrorist special measures shall be considered as completed upon the decision of the Council.

Article 21.Elimination of Damages and Consequences of Terrorist Acts

21.1. Measures on prevention from potential disaster threats caused by terrorist acts to population, property and environment, as well as rescue thereof, elimination of harm or urgent reconstruction shall be taken in accordance with the Law.

21.2. Measures on eliminating damages caused by terrorist act shall be taken upon Government decision.

Article 22. Social, Economic and Legal Guarantees of Personnel Participating in Counter-Terrorist Special Operations

22.1. Personnel of specially trained or designated units of armed forces, border or internal troops, police, intelligence and court decision enforcement organizations assigned to counter terrorism special task operations shall be entitled to accident and life insurance, and state coverage of related expenses.

22.2. Government shall be responsible for supplying personnel of specially trained or designated units with firearms, special tools, technics, equipment or other economic resources.

22.3. The State shall bear expenses related to medical treatment in case of injuries and health damages, social benefits in case of loss of working ability, reimbursement of basic salary residual, and costs of prostheses or cost of recreation and rehabilitation incurred by personnel of organizations stipulated in Article 16.1 of this Law as a result of participation in counter-terrorist special task operations.

22.4. Amount of special assignment allowances payable to the personnel participating in counter-terrorist special task operations shall be tripled against its normal rate.

22.5. One-year service of personnel participated in counter-terrorist special task operations shall be equal to one year and four months of ordinary service.



Article 23. General Procedure on Sanctions Compliance

23.1. The Sanctions shall be complied in accordance with procedures stipulated in this Law.

23.2. Government shall, based on proposals of Cabinet members in charge of fiscal and budget, and legal affairs, State Prosecutor General, Governor of Mongol Bank, Chair of Financial Regulatory Commission, and/or Director of General Intelligence Agency, approve procedure regulating relations on adopting Sanctions list or Domestic designations, delisting, monitoring it, freezing assets and temporary restriction of rights of individuals or legal entities listed in the sanctions, receipt and processing of complaints in regards with listing, and segregation of third-party assets.

23.3. Intelligence organization shall, based on the United Nations Security Council Resolution, take relevant measures to designate any individual or legal entity in Sanction List or Domestic List in accordance with procedures stipulated in Article 23.2 of this Law.

23.4. Measures stipulated in Article 23.2 of this Law shall be taken regardless any criminal procedures initiated in relation to the individual or legal entity.

23.5. Individual or legal entity designated in Sanction List or Domestic List who considers own rights, freedom or legitimate interests are illegally violated shall have a right to submit a complaint to competent authority or official in accordance with procedures stipulated in Article 23.2 of this Law.

23.6. Individuals or legal entities providing any services shall freeze assets directly or indirectly owned or controlled by Sanction Listed or Domestically designated individual or legal entity, or persons providing financing to them and report to intelligence organization within 24 hours.

23.7. Organization stated in Article 19.1 of Law on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing shall enforce and monitor the sanctions compliance.


Article 24. To take measures on Sanctions Compliance

24.1. Intelligence organization, Mongol Bank, Financial Regulatory Commission, Financial Information Unit, relevant state authorities, individuals and legal entities shall freeze the following assets while complying with the sanctions:

24.1.1. not limited to certain terrorist act or activity, funds or other assets of owned or controlled by sanction listed or domestically designated individual or legal entity;

24.1.2. funds or other assets wholly or partially, solely or jointly, directly or indirectly owned or controlled by sanction listed or domestically designated individual or legal entity;

24.1.3. funds or other assets generated from the assets stated in Articles 24.1.1 and 24.1.2 of this Law, or funds or other assets of individuals and legal entities acting at the direction or on behalf of sanction listed or domestically designated individuals or legal entities;

24.1.4. Other assets that are subject of the United Nations Security Council resolutions related to sanctions.



Article 25. Penalties for Violators of this Law

25.1. Any individual or legal entity violated this Law shall be punishable under the Criminal Code and Law on Infringement.

25.2. If an act of an official violating this Law is not of criminal nature, the intelligence organization pursuant to Law on Public Service shall submit a penalty proposal to affiliated higher competent authority or official as follows:

25.2.1. reduce salary by up to 20 percent for up to 6 months in case of failure to comply with obligations stated in Articles 13.1.2, 13.1.3 and 13.1.4 of this Law;

25.2.2. demote, dismiss from current position or civil service in case of repeated failure of the obligations stated in Articles 13.1.2, 13.1.3 and 13.1.4 or failure to comply with obligations stated in Articles 17.4 and 17.5 of this Law respectively;

25.3. Upon receipt of the proposal stated in Article 25.2 of this Law, the higher competent authority or official shall impose relevant penalty to the official and report back to the intelligence organization within 14 days.

25.4. In case of failure or unreasonable refusal to comply with Article 25.3 of this Law, the intelligence organization shall make a penalty proposal to the competent authority or official in charge of appointment and dismissal of the failing official.

25.5. State authorities and officials, individuals and legal entities receiving resolution made by intelligence organization within its power and mandate take relevant measures and report back on thereof.

25.6. If damage is caused as a result of compliance with this law by organizations, officials, individuals and legal entities stated in this law, it shall not serve as a ground to apply penalties stipulated in Criminal Code, Law on Violations, Civil Code or other laws.

Article 26. Entering into Force

26.1. This Law shall come into force on October 10, 2019.